The celestial emporium

In Chinese traditional culture there is the belief that success requires three conditions: Tian Shi 天时 (right time), Di Li 地利 (right place) and Ren He 人和 (right people). All three of these things, more specifically, the will of heaven (Tian Shi), material resources (Di Li) and the harmony of people (Ren He) must be […]

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Acting as If

Here’s a puzzle: how do you become something if you’ve never been something? For example, how do I become a leader if I’ve never been a leader? The conventional answer is to study how to be a leader and then gradually learn as you go along. I teach leadership at the executive level, so I […]

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Visioneering 101

I’ve always been interested in what makes people successful. What leads some people to achieve while others fail? I knew it couldn’t only be about raw intelligence or access to resources (though those things certainly do help). Being in the right place at the right time also seemed to be a factor, though not a […]

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