Solve for X

If attention is the currency of the internet, then anxiety is the currency of modern society. We are part of a massive, finely tuned anxiety machine that offers us the promise of freedom while churning out a dizzying array of choices that overloads our decision-making bandwidth, and distracts us from what really matters. More choice […]

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This magic moment

I am staying true to my blog’s theme this week, despite the opportunity to wax lyrical about the birth of my daughter today. Rather, I want to challenge the notion that by having a child, we are somehow giving up our freedom, and that we will never be as free as we have been. Common […]

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It’s raining stupid white men

“Freedom is not something that anybody can be given. Freedom is something that people take. And people are as free as they want to be.”  – James Baldwin This week’s online video from the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) as part of their crusade against gay marriage, was a perfect storm of bigotry, hypocracy and religious […]

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